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Reviewing the OSHA Top 10

Safety violations can occur in any number of ways, but there are plenty of opportunities to help create safer work environments. One way is to become familiar with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Top 10 list, , which accounts for the most frequently cited standards following inspections of businesses and work sites.


Don’t Take the Bait from Phishing Scammers

Phishing emails are sent by scammers to try to gain access to basic information from users. Once they have this, they may be able to infiltrate your email, I.T. network, bank account, or other accounts. Even the use of spam filters may not be enough to catch every phishing email that tries to sneak into your inbox.


Avoid Workplace Hazards with Slip, Trip, and Fall Controls

Each year, thousands of workers are injured or disabled as a result of slips, trips, and falls, which may occur anytime, anywhere, or to anyone. These injuries could create long-lasting complications for workers who sustain them, and unfortunately, they are not uncommon occurrences in the workplace — about 20 to 25 percent of all occupational-injury accidents involve slips, trips, and falls.