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H.R. 3249 / S. 1841 - The Financing Our Energy Future Act

H.R. 3079 has been reported from subcommittee to the Energy and Commerce Committee and awaits full Committee approval.  An identical Senate bill, S. 1706, introduced by Senators Gardner (R-CO) and Coons (D-DE) has been referred to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

SMACNA Advocates:  To Support the Energy and Utility Saving Performance Contracts (ESPC)s/(USPC)s inside and outside of government.

SMACNA Policy References:  Contracting Out Federal Services to the Private Sector; Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, and Green Buildings

Description: Under the performance contract financing mechanism, private sector service companies finance and install new energy and water efficient equipment at minimal or no upfront cost to the Federal government. Federal agencies repay this investment over time with funds saved on utility costs. The private sector contractors measure, verify and guarantee these energy savings. Current law requires federal facility energy managers to evaluate and identify energy and water efficiency measures for federal facilities, but agencies are not required to implement the measures. The bill requires agencies to implement the measures if they are cost-effective.

The full bill text is here.  A bill summary is pending.

Current Status:  H.R. 3079 has been reported from subcommittee to the Energy and Commerce Committee and awaits full Committee approval.  An identical Senate bill, S. 1706, introduced by Senators Gardner (R-CO) and Coons (D-DE) has been referred to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.