Staging Site


Thursday, March 16

1:00 p.m.   Call to Order – Welcome

  • Tony Kocurek, SMACNA President and Aaron Hilger, SMACNA CEO
  • Q/A Session with SMACNA President & CEO


2:00 p.m.    SMACNA Premier Partner Panel

“Managing Supply Chain Issues in the New Economy & Predictions for the Coming Year”


3:00 p.m.     Break


3:15 p.m.    Staff Updates

  • Labor Relations – Jason Watson
  • Operations – Joye Blanscett
  • Technical Services – Eli Howard


3:45 p.m.    The New Economy and its Impacts on Contractor Needs

  • Mike Clancy, Partner and Strategy Practice Leader, FMI Consulting

Many economists think we are leaving the era of globalization for a new economic era, one focused on regionalization. How does this change what contractors need? What does the future of our industry mean for your members needs going forward?


5:00 p.m.    Adjournment


5:30 p.m.    Meet & Greet Reception

Friday, March 17

7:30 a.m.    Buffet Breakfast


8:00 a.m.    How to Beat the Burnout Epidemic

  • Mike Clancy, Partner and Strategy Practice Leader, FMI Consulting

The workforce is experiencing an unprecedented amount of stress and change, leading many to struggle with anxiety, loss of productivity, and burnout. The answers our people have been given may not solve this problem, though. How do we as leaders make sure we are meeting the needs of our people? 


9:15 a.m.   Tools to Improve Personal Productivity

  • Mike Clancy, Partner and Strategy Practice Leader, FMI Consulting

You probably don’t have any fewer responsibilities than you had last year, and you certainly don’t have any more time! How can you be as effective as possible? Hopefully these counter-intuitive ideas spark your imagination and create some additional space for you to be as effective as possible.


10:30 a.m.  Break


10:45 a.m.  Staff Updates

  • Market Sectors and Construction Technology – Linda Jennings
  • Communications and Marketing – Jeff Henriksen
  • Legislative and Political Affairs – Stan Kolbe


11:15 a.m.  Closing Remarks


11:30 a.m.  Adjournment (box lunches available)