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CEA National Issues Conference Speakers

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Mariah M. Becker, MAAA, EA, ACA

Mariah Becker joined the National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans (NCCMP) in 2016 as the Director of Research and Education. In this role, she works extensively to evaluate and design policy & technical proposals to protect and strengthen the multiemployer system, as well as to develop analysis to evaluate the economic impact of federal policies, regulations and industry developments.

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

The Honorable Robin Carnahan

The Honorable Robin Carnahan currently serves as the Administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA).

As Administrator, she is working to empower GSA career professionals and build on the agency’s efforts to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to the government and American people.

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Bill Clark

Bill chairs the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council which consists of representatives from 18 different civilian agencies that partners with the Defense Acquisition Regulation Council to manage and draft the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which provides the roadmap for over $600 billion dollars the Federal government spends on products and services. 

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Congressman Gerald E. Connolly

Congressman Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly is serving his seventh term in the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia's 11th District, which includes Fairfax County and the City of Fairfax.

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Jessica Looman

Jessica Looman is the Principal Deputy Administrator of DOL's Wage and Hour Division, which is responsible for enforceing worker protections and providing outreach and education about federal labor laws.

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Tracy Marcinowski

As the Assistant Commissioner for Acquisitions at the General Service’s Administration, Public Building Service, Ms. Marcinowski is responsible for the Service’s acquisition environment, including policy development, acquisition reform initiatives; category management; and Acquisition Workforce development and career management.


Sean McGarvey

Sean McGarvey started his building trades career with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) in 1981 in Philadelphia. He subsequently worked his way up through various IUPAT leadership positions. In 2005, Sean was elected Secretary-Treasurer of NABTU, and in 2012, he was unanimously elected to NABTU’s office of president. Sean is a respected union construction thought leader among labor, government, corporate, and private sectors. He has dedicated his life to improving the economic security and career opportunities of current and future construction workers and their families, and his fervent commitment has strengthened NABTU’s impact and value to owners, contractors and whole communities.

Laura O'Neill

Laura O'Neill, Director of Public Engagement for the U.S. Department of Commerce. Prior to that she spent 20 months on the Biden campaign serving in a variety of roles.

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Lafe Solomon

Lafe Solomon has practiced labor law in the federal government for over 40 years. He served in many capacities at the National Labor Relations Board, culminating in his appointment by President Barack Obama as Acting General Counsel from June 2010 to November 2013.


Jessie Stolark

Jessie Stolark is the Executive Director for the Carbon Capture Coalition, a non-partisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, unions, conservation, and environmental policy organizations, building federal policy support to enable economywide, commercial scale deployment of carbon management technologies. 

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Senator Peter Welch

Peter Welch has been a champion for working Vermonters throughout his career. Since his election to the House of Representatives in 2006, he has been widely recognized as a thoughtful and effective legislator who chooses governing over gridlock.

CEA National Issues 2023 Moderator

The Honorable Earl Pomeroy

Former Congressman Earl Pomeroy brings 26 years of regulatory and legislative experience to his present position as senior counsel at Alston & Bird.