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National Safety Council SAFER Return-to-Work Guidelines

The National Safety Council has published useful guidelines to support employers as they navigate their way through COVID-19 concerns.

The National Safety Council has published useful guidelines to support employers as they navigate their way through COVID-19 concerns amidst state and local return-to-work initiatives and the gradual reopening of businesses and public spaces across the country.

Safe Actions for Employee Returns (SAFER) addresses important areas of consideration, including physical, medical, mental stress, employment and legal, communication, and external influences.

The SAFER framework provides employers with best practices and ideas to implement sustainable and safe operations moving forward. 

NSC’s short-term objectives include:

  • Aggregating and analyzing current practice and guidance from the business and public health communities.

  • Developing and publishing regularly updated data-driven guidance and recommendations for safe return to and continuation of work, both broadly and relative to specific risks, industries, or conditions as they emerge.

  • Providing employers the tools and solutions they need to take action in complicated and challenging times.

  • Investigating the topic areas and operations types representing the most pressing concerns for employers planning for return to work.

Content reviewed 2/2021