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SEE Action Report: How large industrial companies save energy

Learn how some of America’s largest industrial companies—General Motors, General Mills, Intel, and J.R. Simplot—produced their successful energy efficiency programs in this free study.

Looking to cut your company’s energy costs? Energy is one of the largest costs that companies can actively reduce.

Learn how some of America’s largest industrial companies—General Motors, General Mills, Intel, and J.R. Simplot—produced their successful energy efficiency programs in the free study: Saving Energy in Industrial Companies: Case Studies of Energy Efficiency Programs in Large U.S. Industrial Corporations and the Role of Ratepayer-Funded Support.

The study’s authors wrote that “strong and effective company EE (energy efficiency) programs can make a huge difference by supporting the implementation of large percentages of the available projects. The goal is to make continual efforts to capture as many of the cost-effective potential measures as possible.“

"Capturing cost-effective EE projects in industrial companies does not happen automatically," the study authors added. "Efforts to identify and implement measures need to be effectively organized internally, involving different parts of the organization, each with different roles and perspectives."

The study team concluded that three requirements must be met for an industrial company’s EE program to live up to potential:

  • Senior management needs to demonstrate commitment to achieving visible and clear EE goals, with targets allocated down to key facility level.

  • Competent staff or outsourced or borrowed experts must work at the facility-level to continually identify site-specific, profitable EE measures and to follow through with implementation.

  • Effective internal systems need to be in place and smoothly operated every year to allocate financing for portfolios of the prepared EE measures deemed to be most attractive to the company

The report was provided by the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action), a state and local effort facilitated by the federal government that helps states, utilities, and local stakeholders take energy efficiency to scale and achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency.

Content reviewed 2/2021