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Our 2024 Priorities and Objectives

Our extremely active and highly engaged contractor and chapter executive lobbying team has hosted and co-hosted more SMAC PAC events and SMACNA efforts targeting our priorities in 2023 than at any time.

Annual Convention Speaker

Steve Taylor

As the principal of Taylor Engineering located in Alameda, CA, Steve Taylor is a registered mechanical engineer specializing in HVAC system design, control system design, indoor air quality engineering, computerized building energy analysis, and HVAC system commissioning. 

Chapter Executive Resources

Marketing Resource Center

The Marketing Resource Center provides chapter executives with the most recent and approved marketing and collateral material. Available materials all have customization options, so they can be branded with Chapter information and logos, while still retaining the SMACNA National brand identity.


NMA Grievance Procedure for Offsite Fabrication

The International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART) advised its local unions that off‐site fabrication for National Maintenance Agreement (NMA) jobs is not subject to the NMA grievance procedures. SMACNA agrees with SMART’s analysis of this issue. 

Chapter Supervisory Training Program

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Field Effectiveness

Speaker: Andy Patron

  • Field opportunities and obstaclesIn this session we will cover defining the difference between working smarter vs. working harder and understanding the benefits of stepping back and observing. We will also cover how to wipe out obstacles to productivity and documenting the foreman’s role in improving profits and productivity 
  • Pre-job planningPlanning for a smooth project transition to the field, pre-job risk analysis, and site logistics/planning.
  • The impact of productivity changes on financial performanceLearn how proactive superintendents directly impact project costs everyday and how even small productivity changes dramatically impact the bottom line.

Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust

Serving the members of SMART and the contractors of SMACNA, SMOHIT addresses the impact of decades-long asbestos exposure on those working in the sheet metal industry, while simultaneously providing industry-leading health and safety solutions to minimize occupational illnesses and injuries for sheet metal craftsmen. SMOHIT is the industry’s leading resource for health and safety products and services.

Laura O'Neill

Laura O'Neill, Director of Public Engagement for the U.S. Department of Commerce. Prior to that she spent 20 months on the Biden campaign serving in a variety of roles.

Federal Contracting

You may have questions about your role as an employer. This site provides answers to common questions about workers and business. An employer is an organization, institution, government entity, agency, company, 

Chapter Executive Resources

SMACNA Conflict of Interest Policy

This conflict of interest policy is designed to help directors, officers, committee members, task force members and employees of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (“SMACNA”) identify situations that present potential conflicts of interest.

Federal Contracting


FebBizOpps, or FBO, is the Federal government website that posts all Federal Procurement opportunities with a value over $25,000.00. FedBizOpps.Gov provides you with a sophisticated search engine for finding more than 40,000 immediate RFP opportunities, archived records, lists possible future federal contract opportunities and offers training programs at the site to teach you the mechanics using the FBO system.

BMU Speaker

Angie Simon

Angie Simon is a past SMACNA President (2019-2021) and Advisor to the Board of Western Allied Mechanical in Menlo Park, California.

Employee Policies

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New State COVID-19 Liability Laws

This presentation outlines the proposed “Safe to Work” Act, which imposes strict nationwide limitations on COVID-19 related tort liability.  The limitations are retroactive from December 1, 2019 and extend to October 1, 2024.

Project Management

SMACNA’s project management resources and educational programs provide members with the necessary tools to help them manage projects efficiently, safely and on-time.


How to Handle Grievances

Employee complaints are bound to arise in any business operation: even the best contractor won't be able to avoid the occasional grievance. The majority of sheet metal collective bargaining agreements have adopted the grievance procedures set forth in the Standard Form of Union Agreement for the Sheet Metal Industry (SFUA), which calls for a four‐step process for resolution of grievances. Contractors should ensure they are familiar with their collective bargaining agreement's grievance process, including any time limitations.

CEA National Issues 2023 Speaker

Lafe Solomon

Lafe Solomon has practiced labor law in the federal government for over 40 years. He served in many capacities at the National Labor Relations Board, culminating in his appointment by President Barack Obama as Acting General Counsel from June 2010 to November 2013.

Chapter Executive Resources

SMACNA Connect Chapter Executives Community

The Chapter Executives Community provides and opportunity for chapter executives to query each other and share ideas on chapter administration and industry concerns. 

To subscribe, send an email to SMACNA Member Services at Indicate that you would like to subscribe to the Chapter Executives Community. 

May 1, 2024 Jun 06 2024

Workshop on Best Practices for Association Policies and Procedures

Join us for a workshop tailored to chapter executives, designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary for effective association management. Chapter executives have a lot to manage while running an effective association and staying within budget. Clear policies and procedures are vital for smooth operations, upholding values, and risk mitigation. 

Facilitated by Dan Kelly of Felhaber Larson, this workshop offers valuable insights and tools for chapter governance and management excellence. Whether seasoned or new to a chapter executive role, join us to enhance your Chapter's operations and mission achievement. 


Jessie Stolark

Jessie Stolark is the Executive Director for the Carbon Capture Coalition, a non-partisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, unions, conservation, and environmental policy organizations, building federal policy support to enable economywide, commercial scale deployment of carbon management technologies. 

HR & Employee Management

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Questions for Consideration When Terminating Employees for Cause

With adoption of the Code of Excellence by SMART, many contractors asked whether they should terminate an employee for cause and whether doing so increases the contractor’s exposure to employment based lawsuits by terminated employees. SMACNA explains why terminating for cause can benefit employers and outlines best practices for termination.