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SMACNA Urges Congress to Pass FAA Reauthorization

SMACNA contractors are working on almost every significant airport expansion, upgrade or new construction project across the nation, activity that would be funded and enhanced by H.R. 3935.

SMACNA urges the United States House of Representatives and Senate to quickly pass H.R. 3935, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024. With increasing work being done to modernize the nation’s air transport infrastructure, SMACNA contractors are working on almost every significant airport expansion, upgrade, or new construction project across the country. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the private sector tax incentives contained within the Inflation Reduction Act for expanded economic activity for our members at many major airports. However, considering the scope and urgency of projects on a long list of needed airport modernization efforts, SMACNA strongly endorses the passage of H.R. 3935.

SMACNA has especially advocated for the following provisions contained in H.R. 3935: 

·Permitting reform to expedite airport environmental reviews to accelerate terminal construction proj I’m ects.

·Retrofitting and increasing energy efficiency of all the nation’s airports (section 742).

·Allowing present and future airport power demands for airside and landside operations to be included in airport energy assessments.

·Allowing the Secretary of Transportation to make grants to airport sponsors to acquire or construct equipment that will improve energy efficiency at the airport complex.

·Provide a GAO study of onsite airport energy generation solutions for operational efficiency.

Take a moment to read SMACNA’s letter endorsing the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024.