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Webinar Recording: Courageous Conversations

Watch this webinar to better understand how to help transform their top performers into tangible leaders.

The webinar Courageous Conversations is now available for viewing!

In business, we usually promote our best producers and assume they will be strong managers/leaders. We must have the intent to prepare them to “Be a Coach.” It’s a different mindset. By watching this recording, viewers will:

  • Discuss the transformation from being a top producer to being a coach.
  • Discovering that people will let us coach them harder if they believe we care about them and want to see them succeed.
  • Having tough conversations begins with building trust with others day after day. Courageous Communication is a daily mindset.
  • Learning the power of building inclusive teams with a culture of respect.

This webinar is available for viewing for the next 30 days and can be viewed here