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Attracting and Developing our Workforce Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond (A NHF Project)

Attracting and Developing our Workforce Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond (A NHF Project)

  • Mon, Oct 16, 2023
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Grand Sonoran C-D, Level 1

The New Horizons Foundation has launched a research project to identify key attributes of successful workforce attraction and development practices and programs across industries in the US. Clark Ellis, Principal of Continuum Advisory Group, is leading the research team and will provide a brief overview of the initial findings before moderating a panel discussion with two workforce attraction and development experts from our industry. 

Angie Simon, Executive Director of Heavy Metal Summer Experience, brings deep experience, knowledge, and passion to the topic. Her background in leading as a SMACNA contractor and providing industry-wide leadership has given her practical insights into the workforce challenges. She responded by developing one of the fastest-growing programs for engaging young people and bringing them into the union sheet metal industry, the Heavy Metal Summer Experience. 

Darrell Roberts, SMART Assistant to the General President, brings a wealth of knowledge from being the Executive Director of Helmets to Hardhats and SMART's Director of Organizing. He has led successful efforts to bring people into the trades in general and the union sheet metal industry specifically for many years. His continued leadership at SMART is instrumental in delivering the workforce that is helping our industry to grow. 

Angie and Darrell will share some of their knowledge, experiences, and ideas for how we can all take action to help address the biggest challenge for our industry...attracting and developing our workforce today, tomorrow, and beyond. 


  • Mon, Oct 16, 2023
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Grand Sonoran C-D, Level 1