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The SMACNA Annual Convention brings together the sheet metal and HVAC industry’s most advanced contractors, in a luxurious setting where they can learn from industry experts, network with their colleagues, and focus on growing their businesses.

Becoming a sponsor is a great way to make meaningful connections and start conversations that can lead to purchases of products, equipment, and services in the months ahead. From start to finish SMACNA is committed to helping create a highly successful experience that provides you with maximum visibility and brand impact for your budget.

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Event Sponsorships

Closing Night Dinner & Show$30,000 SOLD OUT
Opening Night Reception
Keynote Presentation & Lunch$20,000
Presidents Lunch$15,000 SOLD OUT
SMAC PAC Dinner & Reception$10,000
Spouse Breakfast$5,000

Additional Sponsorships

Hotel Key Cards$15,000  SOLD OUT
Attendee Name Badges$15,000
Attendee Registration Bags$12,500
Convention App$7,500
Device Charging Station$5,000 each

Refreshment Breaks

Single$5,000 each ALMOST SOLD OUT
Daily$8,000 per day ALMOST SOLD OUT
Exclusive$20,000 NO LONGER AVAILABLE

For more information about any of these opportunities, please contact Dustin Berger at