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Judi Holler

Judi Holler

Judi Holler

Judi Holler is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, podcaster, and entrepreneur who imagines a world where the word regret has been eliminated from the conversation.

For the last decade, Judi has built an enterprise that includes a robust keynote speaking business, a top 4% podcast on iTunes, and a publishing arm that has created a line of personal development products that has gotten the attention of clients like Four Seasons, Ford Motor Company, Marriott, Bank of America, T-Mobile, The Boston Red Sox, The Ritz Carlton, and more.

Judi’s professional accomplishments have earned her praise with Forbes and Success Magazine mentions. Additionally, her podcast, “Yes, And” with Judi Holler, highlights her professional improv training as an alumnus of Second City’s Conservatory in Chicago, bringing thought-provoking ideas and inspiring weekly interviews to help elevate your mindset and take more confident action.

Each year Judi speaks on stages around the United States and beyond to audiences of 10 - 10,000, sharing the power of the CEO mindset with her thought-provoking and captivating keynote speeches.

  • Tue, Oct 17, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Grand Canyon Ballroom, Level 1