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Project Management


The Effect of Temperature on Productivity NECA #5072-04

The National Electrical Contractors Association has conducted a series of laboratory studies to document the effects of temperature and humidity on productivity. The objective of these studies was to measure the effects of extreme combinations of temperature and humidity on labor productivity and to present these findings in a maner that enables electrical contractors to use this data as a guide in factoring bid estimates, planning jobs scheduling work, and negotiating extensions of time.

  • Dollar SignPDF $60.00


The Effect of Multi-Story Bldg on Productivity NECA #5071-04

The purpose of this report is two-fold. First, the report is designed to assist electrical contractors in evaluating the special job conditions found in multi-story building construction that cause an increase in the cost to install the electrical systems. Second, the report offers recommended estimating practices that will insure recovery of these added costs. This report is an update to an existing NECA study and survey from the 1970's. While the results of the original report have essentially been left intact, a new section has been added to further explain the impact of project size on labor productivity.

  • Dollar SignPDF $60.00


Project Peak Workforce Report NECA #5074-04

The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) published a report, Project Peak Workforce Report, in 1987 that used 120 projects to predict the peak number of workers for jobs based on the documented actual work hours for different types of electrical projects. However, the NECA report has become outdated and no longer represents the current construction scenario. The present publication is an update to the original NECA report, using current project data. The primary purpose of this publication is to assist electrical contractors with estimating the peak number of workers that can be expected on various electrical construction projects, including commercial, industrial, and institutional.

  • Dollar SignPDF $60.00


Sheet Metal Made Lean and Clean

This guide is an introduction to owners, managers and workers in sheet metal fabrication and manufacturing shops to the principles and methods of lean production. It defines the application of lean production to sheet metal shop operations and provides the reader with an assortment of tools to begin the process of making their shop operations more efficient.

  • Dollar SignBook $70.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $70.00

Book Jan 01 1998

Alliance Project Management

Developed by the Mechanical-Electrical-Sheet Metal Alliance, the Alliance Project Management Manual covers 44 major steps in the project management process. It also contains over 100 sample project management forms and checklists. The manual may be used as a desk reference for project managers and, as an evaluation tool which contractors can use to review and modify their current project management procedures and make improvements. It is the most comprehensive project management resource available in the industry.

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Guidelines for Change Orders

Many factors can result in project changes. A poorly-defined scope of work or gaps in the scope may mandate corrective changes. Unforeseen conditions or delays related to the conduct of other parties may trigger significant changes in schedule or cost. A re-design can radically impact the scope. A subcontractor may go bankrupt and its work be reassigned to other project participants. The only certainty is that contractors and subcontractors must deal effectively with change in order to survive and be profitable. Contractors and subcontractors must become adept at dealing effectively with change in order to survive and be profitable. This manual will help the SMACNA contractor do just that.

  • Dollar SignPDF $75.00

New Horizons Foundation Apr 01 2004

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Quantifying the Cumulative Impact of Change Orders for Sheet Metal Contractors

The New Horizons Foundation formed a research team to focus on the impact of change orders on labor productivity specifically for the sheet metal industry. The team developed a model that can estimate the productivity loss on a project impacted by change orders. The model can be applied to projects to generate a percentage loss of productivity due to changes.

New Horizons Foundation

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Schedule Compression Effects on Labor Productivity

This study shows how schedule compression affects sheet metal contractors’ labor productivity, and quantifies the effects of overtime, shift work, and overmanning. Models that quantify the impact of each on the labor productivity of sheet metal contractors are presented. Recommendations for the contractor are included.


Senior Project Leadership Institute

Immerses participants in a simulated world, running a complex sheet metal project involving many associated challenges and complications, including understanding and managing project scope, estimating cost to complete, billings and cash flow, anger order management.


Supervisor Training Academy

Covers leadership, communication, productivity, profitability, measurement and industry trends, and other topics relevant to supervisors, foremen, superintendents and other critical managers.


Leveraging Tech to Combat COVID-19 Productivity Losses

It’s been a tough year for construction margins. To bolster their chances of profitability, savvy contractors are leveraging software to meticulously document COVID-related delays, track productivity from the field, and automate COVID-related protocols wherever possible.