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Sheet Metal Welding Guide

This publication and the wealth of information it contains are intended to assist contractors, estimators and shop supervisors in profitably managing the welding activity in a sheet metal shop. Updated coverage of welding processes; flux-cored wire guidelines; and the latest equipment. The safety chapter covers such items as health effects, hazard controls and safety procedures. Other chapters include guidelines for developing welding procedures, controlling weld quality, estimating, hiring and training welders and welder certification.

  • Dollar SignBook $124.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $205.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $124.00


HVAC Systems Duct Design

The fourth edition of HVAC Systems Duct Design presents the basic methods and procedures required to design HVAC air distribution systems. This manual provides the HVAC system designer detailed information on duct design and U.S. and metric units are provided in all examples, calculations, and tables. In addition to the basic engineering guidelines for the sizing of HVAC ductwork systems, the manual also provides related information on materials, methods of construction, economics of duct systems, duct system layout, pressure losses, fan selection, duct leakage, acoustic considerations, and Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB).

  • Dollar SignBook $213.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $350.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $213.00


HVAC Duct Systems Inspection Guide

Contains guidelines for inspection of commercial HVAC duct systems for compliance with SMACNA/ANSI HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible, (3rd edition) and Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standard (7th edition). It reviews materials and reinforcement of duct systems, as well as assembly and supports of ducts. The Fire, Smoke and Radiation Damper Guide (5th edition) also summarizes installation details. Checklists are included for ductwork and fire dampers. Valuable as a study guide for the HVAC Duct Construction Standards manual and for learning inspection procedures in general. Includes soft metrics.

  • Dollar SignBook $161.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $266.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $161.00


HVAC Sound and Vibration Manual

This first edition of HVAC Sound and Vibration was developed to provide in-depth, HVAC-specific guidance in the art of sound and vibration measurement and mitigation. As building construction has become lighter and tighter, sound and vibration that previously may have gone unnoticed is more often becoming a nuisance. This creates both a problem and an opportunity — a problem because designers and installers must be diligent in using materials and techniques that mitigate the potential for sound and vibration problems and an opportunity for contractors that specialize in resolving occupant complaints related to sound and vibration.

  • Dollar SignPDF $220.00

Book Sep 30 2004

Architectural Sheet Metal Inspection Guide

An invaluable inspection resource for owners of standing seam, batten seam, or Bermuda-type roofs. Presents practical troubleshooting and corrective tips for typical problems of roof panels, gutters, downspouts, fascia, copings, flashing, ridges and hips, valleys, expansion joints, penetrations, fasteners and soldering. Also provides relevant information regarding construction of these architectural elements, the purpose of each, as well as what to look for during periodic inspections. Sealants, moisture transfer methods and air leakage are also covered. Emphasizes the importance of regular and appropriately timed inspections because a small problem discovered early can be fixed at a low cost, preventing minor damage from becoming a substantial problem until the cost of repair and remediation becomes excessive. Contractors will find this book a valuable resource to provide owners or facility managers along with the standard building completion documents.

  • Dollar SignBook $83.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $136.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $83.00


Rectangular Industrial Duct Construction Standards

This second edition expands the scope of the 1980 version, updating original text to incorporate a revised theory of design, new materials and more “user friendly” tables. Included are new tables for stainless steels and aluminum, plus expanded chapters on materials, welding practices, and a guide specification. It covers the simple, low or moderate temperature and pressure (or vacuum) indoor systems as well as the more complex outdoor systems that operate at moderate to high temperature and pressure (or vacuum), and are subject to higher and more complex external loading. Approved as an American National Standard (ANSI/SMACNA 002-2011).

  • Dollar SignBook $339.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $560.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $339.00


Guide to Working Safely with FRP

Revised in 2004, this manual provides updated information on the safety and health issues surrounding Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP). The manual explains updated safety precautions and health effects related to fiberglass and styrene.

  • Dollar SignBook $38.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $38.00


TAB Procedural Guide

The TAB Procedural Guide is intended for trained TAB technicians to assure that the appropriate procedures are employed in an effective manner. This new publication includes general as well as specific guidance for both air-and water-side HVAC system adjusting and balancing. Variable air volume, multi-zone, dual duct and exhaust air systems are examples of the systems specifically covered and time-saving forms are included for precise record keeping during the conduct of a TAB project. The guide assists TAB technicians with preplanning and establishing teams so that energy use is minimized whether the work is done in new or existing buildings.

  • Dollar SignBook $109.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $177.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $109.00


Fire, Smoke and Radiation Damper Installation Guide for HVAC

The new edition has been updated from the 1992 edition and includes updated code references, NFPA references, and expanded guideline notes as to the details of damper installation. The appendices on smoke control and smoke detectors have been revised to reflect the current technology and requirements for those applications.

  • Dollar SignBook $113.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $186.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $113.00


HVAC Systems Testing, Adjusting & Balancing

This new version has been extensively updated from the 1993 version and includes all of the many changes that have taken place in the HVAC industry. New sections covering VFD, DDC, lab hood exhaust balancing, and the latest changes in balancing equipment and procedures are included.

  • Dollar SignBook $220.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $362.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $220.00

Book Jun 30 2002

Accepted Industry Practices for Sheet Metal Lagging

This document contains accepted industry practices for the fabrication and installation of sheet metal lagging, used to cover and protect insulated areas of equipment. The fabrication practices included illustrate the requirements of most commonly encountered insulated surfaces, such as boiler walls, flues, ducts, precipitators, air heaters, economizers, tanks, fans,etc. This publication is intended to assist the designer, contractor and plant engineer in understanding and solving the complexities involved in the design, fabrication and installation of sheet metal lagging systems.

  • Dollar SignBook $124.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $205.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $124.00


Safety Toolbox Talks - Volume IV

The latest volume in the series is a collection of 100 toolbox talks covering a number of topics within the sheet metal industry, both in the shop and on the jobsite. Each talk is provided with an attendance form on the back.

  • Dollar SignPDF $38.00


Safety Toolbox Talks - Volume III

This book contains 100 toolbox talks covering a variety of hazardous exposures in the sheet metal industry. The talks allow a supervisor/trainer to present refresher safety training sessions on a weekly/daily basis. Attendance forms are included on the back of each talk to assist contractors with keeping training records.

  • Dollar SignPDF $38.00


Residential Sheet Metal Guidelines

The first edition of SMACNA’s Residential Sheet Metal Guidelines offers contractors, designers, builders and homeowners a source of expert information on the proper fabrication and installation of exterior sheet metal in residential buildings. Covering topics that include roof drainage systems, decks, chimneys, windows, doors and ledges, the new manual presents details and explanations based on and designed for low-rise residential buildings, up to three stories, that are used as single-family and multi-family dwellings. The guide also highlights details commonly used in residential sheet metal work throughout the industry. In addition to generic detail drawings, design data and the appendixes will help users to adapt the drawings to local climate and project conditions. Carefully examining the information along with the local climate conditions will enable users to select the proper details for practically any residential architectural sheet metal application.

  • Dollar SignBook $161.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $266.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $161.00

Book Apr 01 2001

Kitchen Ventilation Systems and Food Service Equipment Guide

A basic reference guide to industry-accepted practices for fabrication and installation of commercial kitchen ventilation systems and custom-built food preparation equipment. Assists the designer, contractor and code officials in understanding the complexities of designing, installing, construction and balancing both the exhaust and make-up air systems required in commercial kitchen ventilation. The food service equipment section offers practical guidelines for designing, fabrication, evaluating and installing a wide range of custom-built food service equipment. Includes tables, shelves and wall lining details as well as minimum dimension and metal thickness standards for constructing light, medium and heavy-duty kitchen equipment that should provide owners with years of trouble-free usage. Developed in accordance with ANSI/NSF-2-1996. Also included is an appendix that provides application details for the seismic bracing of food service equipment.

  • Dollar SignBook $124.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $205.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $124.00


Safety Toolbox Talks - Volume II

This book contains 100 toolbox talks covering a variety of hazardous exposures in the sheet metal industry. The talks allow a supervisor/trainer to present refresher safety training sessions on a weekly/daily basis. Attendance forms are included on the back of each talk to assist contractors with keeping training records.

  • Dollar SignPDF $38.00


The Effect of Temperature on Productivity NECA #5072-04

The National Electrical Contractors Association has conducted a series of laboratory studies to document the effects of temperature and humidity on productivity. The objective of these studies was to measure the effects of extreme combinations of temperature and humidity on labor productivity and to present these findings in a maner that enables electrical contractors to use this data as a guide in factoring bid estimates, planning jobs scheduling work, and negotiating extensions of time.

  • Dollar SignPDF $60.00


The Effect of Multi-Story Bldg on Productivity NECA #5071-04

The purpose of this report is two-fold. First, the report is designed to assist electrical contractors in evaluating the special job conditions found in multi-story building construction that cause an increase in the cost to install the electrical systems. Second, the report offers recommended estimating practices that will insure recovery of these added costs. This report is an update to an existing NECA study and survey from the 1970's. While the results of the original report have essentially been left intact, a new section has been added to further explain the impact of project size on labor productivity.

  • Dollar SignPDF $60.00


Project Peak Workforce Report NECA #5074-04

The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) published a report, Project Peak Workforce Report, in 1987 that used 120 projects to predict the peak number of workers for jobs based on the documented actual work hours for different types of electrical projects. However, the NECA report has become outdated and no longer represents the current construction scenario. The present publication is an update to the original NECA report, using current project data. The primary purpose of this publication is to assist electrical contractors with estimating the peak number of workers that can be expected on various electrical construction projects, including commercial, industrial, and institutional.

  • Dollar SignPDF $60.00


Guide to Control of Hazardous Energy

This 54-page guide is designed to assist contractors in determining their need to control hazardous energy, as well as development of a hazardous energy control program. The manual contains toolbox talks, a copy of the OSHA standard on control of hazardous energy, and a program audit checklist in the appendices. (Lockout/Tagout)

  • Dollar SignBook $38.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $38.00

Book Jan 01 2000

Personal Protective Equipment

This SMACNA Personal Protective Equipment manual is a valuable resource for any contractor. This 85 page book contains everything needed for a personal protective equipment (PPE) program, including a sample policy statement, guides to choosing and purchasing the proper PPE, record keeping tables, and toolbox talks for training. No contractor should be without this SMACNA manual.

  • Dollar SignBook $25.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $25.00


HAZCOM Toolbox Talks

This book contains 28 safety training Toolbox Talks covering the Hazard Communication Standard (the most frequently cited OSHA standard). Each talk is presented in a one-page tearout form which includes an attendance roster.

  • Dollar SignBook $38.00


Guide to Respiratory Protection

Assists contractors in complying with the OSHA respiratory protection standard. Contains a sample program, training information, and compliance checklists. Contains informative toolbox talks to assist with refresher training.

  • Dollar SignBook $65.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $65.00


Sheet Metal Made Lean and Clean

This guide is an introduction to owners, managers and workers in sheet metal fabrication and manufacturing shops to the principles and methods of lean production. It defines the application of lean production to sheet metal shop operations and provides the reader with an assortment of tools to begin the process of making their shop operations more efficient.

  • Dollar SignBook $70.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $70.00

Book Jan 01 1998

Alliance Project Management

Developed by the Mechanical-Electrical-Sheet Metal Alliance, the Alliance Project Management Manual covers 44 major steps in the project management process. It also contains over 100 sample project management forms and checklists. The manual may be used as a desk reference for project managers and, as an evaluation tool which contractors can use to review and modify their current project management procedures and make improvements. It is the most comprehensive project management resource available in the industry.

  • Dollar SignPDF $0


Financial Tools for SMACNA Contractors

Financial Tools for SMACNA Contractors bridges the gap between the construction operations and the business functions of a company. It teaches fundamental financial concepts and provides information to apply the concepts in today's business world. The book covers such toppics as interpreting financial statements, accounting practices, work in process, job cost accounting, financial analysis and indicators, projections and budgets, effective use of credit, protecting company, assets and information, and making decisions in volatile conditions. In Financial Tools for SMACNA Contactors the financial and management processes for a sheet metal company is broken down into three sections: 1) the foundation - getting the basics right and on time, 2) the structure - understanding where you are and looking at the road ahead and 3) the process - making decisions and overcoming road blocks.

  • Dollar SignBook $250.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $250.00

Book Jan 01 1998

Indoor Air Quality - A Systems Approach

This new manual is an update to the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) manual. It provides for a system type approach to identifying and solving IAQ concerns, while introducing the fundamentals of IAQ. The manual also updates the technical aspects of IAQ with regard to typical contaminants found in today's facilities. Other topics covered are testing and identification and source mitigation. Timesaving IAQ tracking forms can be modified to meet specific contractor needs.

  • Dollar SignBook $140.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $231.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $140.00


Guidelines for Roof Mounted Outdoor Air-Conditioner Install

Contains guidelines for installation of roof-mounted outdoor air-conditioner equipment as developed by SMACNA and the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). To be used as a supplement to the unit manufacturer's specific installation instructions. This booklet of waterproofing illustrations and reminders covers curb and roof penetrations and sealings, as well as the interface between the roof and the location at which the unit, piping, electrical wiring or sheet metal ductwork pass through the roof. This guideline supersedes AHRI Guideline B-1986.

  • Dollar SignPDF $9.00

Book Jan 01 1997

Current Safety and Health Issues in Fiberglass

A booklet identifying current safety and health issues with the use of fiberglass. The booklet discusses the findings of several studies and provides SMACNA contractors with some general answers to questions about the use of fiberglass materials.

  • Dollar SignBook $38.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $38.00

Book Jan 01 1996

Environmental Risk Management

A manual designed to assist contractors involved in construction and sheet metal fabrication in developing policies, plans and practices to comply with environmental laws and regulations. Presents environmental requirements and compliance issues from a SMACNA contractor perspective. Covers several major issues of environmental compliance, such as developing a company environmental policy, assessing environmental risks, environmental impairment liability insurance, and community right to know.

  • Dollar SignBook $38.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $38.00


Guide to Fall Protection

This compliance manual covers OSHA's fall protection standard for the construction industry. It contains a complete overview of the regulation, a training checklist and certification form, a glossary of terms, and a reprint of the OSHA regulation from the Federal Register. Twenty fall protection toolbox talks appear in the back of the manual.

  • Dollar SignBook $72.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $72.00


Thermoplastic Duct (PVC) Construction Manual

Contains the latest and most useful information from manufacturers, fabricators, and corrosion specialists on the use and application of thermoplastic materials. This fully illustrated manual provides full construction details and standards for PVC ducts of 2", 4", and 10" w.g. positive and negative. It gives guidance in understanding these synthetic materials, as well as assistance in determining their strengths, corrosion resistance and advantages over other materials. A model specification enables one to easily prepare custom project documents for installation of PVC air handling systems. Also covered are polypropylene and polyethylene, CPVC, LDPE, HDPE, UHMW, ABS, Acrylics, and PVDF. Includes soft metrics.

  • Dollar SignBook $140.00
  • Dollar SignCombo $231.00
  • Dollar SignPDF $140.00

New Horizons Foundation Jan 01 2006

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Residential HVAC Trends: Home Improvement Centers Enter the Installation and Service Market

This study examines trends and drivers that will impact future scenarios, specifically for the HVAC industry and the union segment of the trade. The research was developed through a combination of interview and surveys with HVAC industry stakeholders and an in-depth literature scan of private and public documentation, trade press, and industry reports.

New Horizons Foundation Oct 01 2004

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Lean Production Principles

The study identifies what “lean” means in the sheet metal and HVAC construction industry. It also suggests how lean can be transferred and implemented in the construction industry and which techniques are most applicable. It compares and reviews sheet metal and HVAC construction companies that are successfully applying the lean principles discussed in this study.

New Horizons Foundation Oct 01 2004

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Tool and Material Management Systems

This guide provides practical considerations, tactics and processes that apply specifically to managing tools, equipment and off-the-shelf, consumable materials. It provides an easy-to-reference list of considerations, tactics, and processes for implementation and ongoing improvement.

New Horizons Foundation Apr 01 2004

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Quantifying the Cumulative Impact of Change Orders for Sheet Metal Contractors

The New Horizons Foundation formed a research team to focus on the impact of change orders on labor productivity specifically for the sheet metal industry. The team developed a model that can estimate the productivity loss on a project impacted by change orders. The model can be applied to projects to generate a percentage loss of productivity due to changes.

New Horizons Foundation

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Schedule Compression Effects on Labor Productivity

This study shows how schedule compression affects sheet metal contractors’ labor productivity, and quantifies the effects of overtime, shift work, and overmanning. Models that quantify the impact of each on the labor productivity of sheet metal contractors are presented. Recommendations for the contractor are included.

Technical Resources Jul 01 2001


The “SMACNA CAD Standard,” second edition, 2001, articulates in greater detail the CAD standards that will enable members of the AEC community to apply CAD effectively to mechanical, fire protection, and plumbing design and construction.

Technical Resource Jan 01 1998

Duct System Calculator, Imperial

This calculator, complete with detailed instructions, enables HVAC system designers to design an average duct system without additional references. The only calculator in the industry to include the 0.0003 roughness factor duct friction loss data for designing straight, round or rectangular sheet metal ducts.

  • Dollar SignMISC $39.00

Standard Form of Union Agreement

History and Explanation of the Standard Form

Authored by Robert Fenlon of Felhaber, Larson, Fenlon & Vogt and updated in 1997, this document explores the evolution of the Standard Form of Union Agreement (SFUA) from its origination in 1946 and provides explanation and commentary of the contents of the 1991 SFUA.